
Home / Membership

AAPDEP invites Africans world-wide to join us in our work to improve the quality of life for Africans everywhere.


To become a member of AAPDEP you must:

  1. Unite with the AAPDEP Principles of Unity
  2. Complete and submit an AAPDEP Membership Application
  3. Pay your Membership Fee (immediately after submitting application)



  1. All who participate in AAPDEP work must do so under the leadership of AAPDEP in order to meet the organization’s goals and objectives.
  2. All African people, wherever we may be located, are one people!
  3. The resources of Africa are the birthright of African people everywhere!
  4. African people need self-determination- not charity!
  5. Any skill possessed by an African anywhere does not belong to that individual African, rather, that skill belongs to and must be used for the benefit of the masses of African people everywhere!

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